

DrupalCon DC was Awesome!

Two weeks after heading off to the US and I'm finally back home in Ireland. DrupalCon DC was fantastic and, while I'm glad to be home, part of me wishes it didn't have to end so soon! Twice a year it tantalises me with 4 days of non-stop Drupal talk, learning loads of cool stuff and hanging out with some really amazing people. No wonder I quit my job after DrupalCon Szeged and started Annertech - it's just an awesome community! Here are some of the highlights of the conference for me.

Drupal Camp Ireland 2008

The third ever Drupal Ireland meet-up took place on Saturday 15th November and it was a huge success. Over 70 people attended, which is an amazing 5 times more people than there was at our last event, just a few short 6 months ago!