Annertech helps Age Action with their Christmas FM Campaign
This year Age Action was chosen as Christmas FM's charity for 2014, and Annertech was on-hand to help them prepare for the big campaign and get as much benefit as possible from it.
Age Action is a charity which promotes positive ageing and better policies and services for older people living in Ireland. They help ensure that they can live with dignity and respect, and remain actively engaged in society. They have helped improve the quality of life for thousands of older people and do tremendous work with their Care and Repair programme which carries out minor household repairs for older and vulnerable people free of charge.
Christmas FM is an all volunteer radio station broadcasting Christmas music from Dublin around Ireland and online. Each year they raise much needed funds for a nominated charity, and this year their chosen charity is Age Action. Christmas FM is a not-for-profit operation and 100% of the donations received go directly to Age Action.
After being selected as the Christmas FM charity for 2014, Age Action realised that they needed to make some changes to their website in order to be fully prepared for the campaign. They approached us at Annertech for some advice. We made a number of recommendations to them, including sticking with their current Drupal 6 platform and postponing any upgrade of it until after the Christmas FM campaign. Age Action took us up on this, allowing us to put our efforts into performance, scalability, and optimising the donations section of their website.
We carried out the following steps:
- Moved them onto Aberdeen Cloud's hosting infrastructure to ensure the site will cope under the high traffic expected during the campaign.
- Applied all pending security updates and switched them over to using the Pressflow Drupal distribution to avail of further performance gains.
- Created a new donation landing page, along with a bespoke Christmas FM design.
- Rebuilt their once-off donation form so it was easier to use, and replaced their regular donation PDF with an online form, again with the Christmas FM design carrying through.
- Gave the site a small design refresh.
- Added social media integration.
The Christmas FM campaign launched at the weekend and we wish them every success with it.
If you want to help Age Action in the wonderful work they do, then you can donate at Note, for every €10 you donate, Age Action can supply and fit a smoke alarm for an older person, so please give generously.
If you have an upcoming campaign you need help with, be sure to get in touch.

Stella Power Managing Director
As well as being the founder and managing director of Annertech, Stella is one of the best known Drupal contributors in the world.