

Stella talks about Coder on Drupal Voices

At DrupalCon Chicago earlier this year, Stella spoke with Kent Bye from Lullabot. They discussed recent improvements to the Coder module which can help you automate code reviews and upgrade your modules. They also discussed future plans for the module that will increase the number of security checks on Drupal modules.

The interview has now been released as a Drupal Voices podcast.


Annertech at Drupal Camp Galway

Last weekend Alan and I both headed to the Galway for DrupalCamp Ireland. The camp took place in DERI which has hosted many previous Drupal Camps. It was great chance to meet fellow Drupal-ers and introduce some new people to the power of Drupal.


LiveReload and Drupal 7

I recently came across LiveReload and was impressed. Actually impressed is an under statement. I was amazed. LiveReload has really improved the way I work with css. As it says on its github page LiveReload is browser extension & a command-line tool that:


DrupalCon Chicago

DrupalCon Chicago is only a few days away and here at Annertech we're really looking forward to it. Alan and I are both flying out tomorrow and will be there for the week, allowing some extra time for sight-seeing and the code sprint on Friday. Both Alan and I are presenting at the conference.


Drupal 7 has been released!

Drupal 7 has finally been released! It took close to three years and lots of effort and contributions from the community to make this happen. This new release sees a whole load of new features and other improvements. Read on to find out more.


DrupalCamp Dublin 2010

The next Drupal Ireland event is taking place on Saturday 20th & Sunday 21st November in Trinity College Dublin and will run from 9am to 5pm both days. 


Migrate module: migrating a node's taxonomy terms

One of the issues I encountered when migrating nodes to Drupal, using the migrate module, was that I couldn't associate nodes with more than one taxonomy term. Actually in this example, I'm migrating content from one Drupal database to another, so I'm going to assume everyone is already familiar with the database structure, specifically the node and term_node tables.


Migrate module: migrating poll nodes

Currently the Migrate module doesn't support full migration of poll nodes. When the poll module is enabled, you can create a content set mapping for a poll node, but you are unable to set the poll status (active or closed) and, more importantly, you can't migrate the poll choices.