

Come for the Code, Stay for the Craic! Why You Should Come to DrupalCon Dublin

DrupalCon is coming to Dublin next month. Damn, we're exicted. You are too, we know. Actually, apparently there's a small few people still trying to make up their minds on whether to come to DrupalCon Dublin or not.

Sitting on the fence? Don't. Get off the fence, get to Dublin. Here's some reasons why (feel free to add more in the comments).


Places to Visit outside of Dublin while at DrupalCon

Coming to DrupalCon Dublin but planning to travel around Ireland a bit? Previously we blogged about our top recommendations to see and do in Dublin, but I know some of you are planning to stay for longer and so here are our recommendations for places to visit outside Dublin.

The day that Aberdeen Cloud went bye-bye

This is Alan, calling from the engine room! Were you affected by the Aberdeen Cloud incident that happened on the 28-06-2016? We weren't, but I'd call that partly luck and partly proactivity. We were actually prepared for this.


Decoupling Features (so your support team sleeps easier at night)

You're working on a client's existing site, and they ask for some new functionality. Your first thoughts are: "Yay, some work!" Quickly following that you think: "What do they want? How am I going to build it?" The often unasked question, however, is "How can I integrate this new functionality with what they already have, without making maintenance a nightmare, or even worse, impacting existing functionality?"


Turbocharging Oxfam

Oxfam Ireland wanted a faster site. It was already pretty performant, especially for a high traffic site, chock-full of features, but with the ever upward march of mobile usage, performance rose to the top of the want list. Find out more about how we turbo-charged Oxfam's site, making it blazingly fast.

Tutorial: Create a Weather and News Reader App with Ionic and Drupal

During the Christmas break, I decided to give myself a challenge: increase my knowledge of app building, AngularJS, and Ionic Framework. Since I didn't know very much about any of them, that was the easy part. I then gave myself a second task - build a hybrid app for my local town that would give us home, current weather, and news tabs, with all content being derived from online data sources.